Club Mareva is all about us, the cigar community. And it is truly global, with over 100 members in over 20 countries, four cigar lounges, and more on the way. Club Mareva is one of the most connected private cigar clubs in the world, with brotherhood connections to dozens of private cigar clubs around the world.
Marko Bilic, founder
Cigar Club Mareva is more than just a location; it is a path that takes you on a journey where pleasure is the goal...
Cigar Club Mareva is a love child born out of a twenty two years of passion and love towards the cigar. It transforms time into moments of pleasure, genuine and refined, in which senses are stimulated by a touch of the best. Because of these reasons, humane and selfless, the desire to share the contents of our treasure chest with people became inevitable.
Cigar Club Mareva is a global community of people who share a love of cigars and life, as well as a desire for friendship and experience. With members from over a dozen countries, it is a true international club with a one-of-a-kind approach that prioritizes guests and members.
Mrko Bilic was named the best cigar ambassador in the world for his global work, efforts, passion, and enthusiasm for cigars. In 2015, he received the cigar "Oscar" - Cigar Trophy award, the most prestigious cigar World award for the best cigar World Ambassador. In 2017, the Cigar Trophy named the Mareva private club in Split, Croatia, as one of the top five best lounges in the world. Najat and Woody Nabdo, the founders of Club Mareva Beirut, won the Habanos World Challange for Lebanon.
Ivana Vrdoljak
Vice president
Club Mareva do not know the gender when passion is the matter, and as woman, I enjoy in equivalency with other members who are all top individuals
Ivan Mazuranic
Honorable vice president
It represents an amazing community of people who share the same passion for cigars and life. I am honored to be a part of Mareva family
Woody & Najat
founder of Club Mareva Beirut
We are proud to be the founders of Club Mareva Beirut and to be on our way to spreading this amazing concept of cigar lounge, which is unique in the world.
Jorge Padron
President of Padron Cigars
Rocky Patel
President of Rocky Patel cigars
Reinhold Widmayer
Cigar Journal Chief Editor
Great cigar club that invented the slow smoking competition, which brought the cigar global community together.
A one-of-a-kind place in the heart of the Roman palace that offers history through taste of cigar and great company.
I am proud to be a founding member of Club Mareva – a concept that brought together and united the great global cigar community into one family
Antoine Konrad
DJ and musician
Ernesto Host
K1 Marshal arts Champion
Nick Hammond
Journalist and writer
There is no chance that I visit Croatia and not to smoke cigar in Mareva. Such unique place dedicated to us, cigar smokers.
The welcome was fantastic, and I can confidently say that welcoming and experiencing is at the heart of Club Mareva.
It is THE place which leaves indelible mark on you with never ending wish to come back again, and again to feel that unique cigar atmosphere