The Luxury Network Cigar Golden Hour was a grand celebration of cigars, luxury, and lifestyle
On July 24, 2024, Marko Bilic, world-renowned cigar ambassador and president of Club Mareva, was the VIP host and featured cigar celebrity at the Luxury Network’s Cigar Golden Hour event held on the stunning La Martingale terrace at the iconic Casino du Liban in Beirut, Lebanon. The exclusive event, attended by more than 250 VIP guests and celebrities from Lebanon and abroad, was a lavish celebration of luxury, cigars, and high-end networking.
The event, organized by The Luxury Network Lebanon (TLN), in collaboration with AJ Fernandez Cigars and House of Cigars, provided an exceptional platform for luxury brands to connect and celebrate the art of cigars. Mrs. Karen Boustaby, CEO of TLN Lebanon, warmly welcomed the prestigious guests and shared insights into the mission of TLN, a global luxury networking group founded in London in 2007, which connects the world’s most prestigious luxury brands in over 50 cities worldwide.
Mrs. Boustaby then introduced Marko Bilic, who came exclusively from Croatia to showcase his renowned cigar expertise. As the Cigar Ambassador of the World, Bilic presented his globally acclaimed cigar show, captivating guests with his passion and knowledge. His presence elevated the event to new heights, blending the luxury of cigars with high-profile networking.
Mr. Fares Ghattas, Global CEO of TLN, spoke about the significance of the event and highlighted the collaboration with AJ Fernandez Cigars and SP1014 Cigars, noting the prestigious partnership that further enhanced the evening.
The Cigar Golden Hour also featured an exciting raffle with valuable gifts from event sponsors such as SMCG, Patchi, The Smallville Hotel, G3 Ferrari, Pierre Cardin, Daze, and Wish Lux. Mrs. Boustaby expressed gratitude to the event's partners, including Casino du Liban, and media partners like MTV, Beiruting, Lebtivity, and WhatsApp Lebanon, for their support in making the event a grand success.
The luxurious evening was filled with entertainment, featuring stunning performances by violinist Jack Stephan, the CubanD band, Cuban singer Jose Carlos, and a captivating Rumba dance show by Khanito. Guests also indulged in a specially curated menu by food artist Omar Sirtawi, who flew in from Dubai to offer a culinary experience perfectly crafted for the occasion.
The Luxury Network Cigar Golden Hour was a grand celebration of cigars, luxury, and lifestyle, with Marko Bilic at its heart, leaving attendees with unforgettable memories of an evening where elegance and passion intertwined.